Jan 10, 2010

"Help" Just Isn't Helping

threatened to do a blog for a long time now but actually setting one up with limited computer skills is not working for me. After meticulously following the directions from the "help" sites (i.e., "How do I move my title to the bottom of the photo?") I wonder if these help people who volunteered their easy solutions were drunk. I know I'm no cyber geek but i can follow directions and NOTHING I followed worked so my customized blog layout isn't very customized. I guess the end product won't be very sophisticated but no one will read this anyway and I've never been accused of being too "sophisticated." This will be a blah looking blog until someone who is not drunk volunteers to really help me. I could call my oldest daughter, the family genius, but my stupidity may amuse her too much and our conversation would end up posted on Post Cards From Yo Momma. Now that would be humbling. Check out: http://www.postcardsfromyomomma.com/

1 comment:

Michelle said...

I wouldn't say I'm the family genius.