Well, so much for "vacation." The artist just called and she has to work. Seeing as this is the only time we can go it looks like we won't be going back for many moons. Just as well. I'm very tired and don't feel all that well. I get criticized all the time for "not asking for help" as does one of my favorite bloggers, Big Mama Hollers. She feels her "problem" is stubbornness. I think my "problem" is perceived as stubbornness but to me it seems more like when I ask for help it isn't always convenient for people who can't help and so I end up embarrassed for asking. They say it takes an entire village to raise a child or in my case today take a baby off the school bus while I'm at the eye specialist. My "village people" were unavailable so I phoned the genius in tears who left work and came to my rescue. Between Iris/Virus, the genius and Curly T the children and I survived. Curly T and I have been friends for some time now. We met at our children's special needs bowling league and per Curly T she liked me immediately because one of my children who shall remain nameless the teenager was rolling down the alley in the throws of a tantrum and I obviously didn't give a rip. Curly T is not a people person and is suspicious of those who are "religious."Apparently, I am acceptable because I admit I'm an idiot and as she puts it so eloquently, "yes, you suck but not as bad as everyone else." The genius drove me to the eye specialist who diagnosed me with a virus which is beginning to affect the other eye as well and the lymph glands in my neck. This explains why i feel as terrible as I look. The good news is it has nothing to do with an auto-immune disease. The bad news is, "it will get much worse before it gets better and it has a very prolonged duration. I have a lady who has had this for 6 weeks now." She said this at least 3 times as she slathered hand sanitizer all over her arms. The medication cost $97.00 and I have to go back next week for a re-check to make sure my corneas aren't rotting. While there I ran into an optometrist I've know for years who greets me with a cheery, "hi!" and then notices my eyes..."WHOA!!" Jumping back about 3 feet he asks me if I'm contagious. Yes, I told him, but this has already proven to be a positive thing. The genius treated me to lunch but refused to take my money or anything else I touched for that matter. While all of this is happening a friend of mine who is always available for everyone in need calls me to see if I can help her today. She recently broke both feet and is alone with her special needs daughter. I felt terrible telling her no, i was blind as a bat. I'm sure if she saw me though she would be thankful I could not help. As Curly T put it today, "put your sun glasses back on you look freakish!" So in all reality...and I do love reality...I guess it's just as well that we cannot go to visit the artist and the tall man next week. Honestly, I think a vacation might just kill me. I have to say though, before I die I really want to visit Crazy Woman Creek in Colorado. It sounds like my kind of vacation spot.
How about a day trip up, a fun sleepover, and then drive back the next night? That might be just what the dr ordered instead of a vacation. And not as straining on your eyeballs, assuming of course, you'll be able to see by next week. Also, you may not want to wear your polarized glasses while driving on I-4.
Favorite quote of the day: "Are you seeing these weird lines and rainbows too?"
P.S. Take your benadryl, advil (in that glass candle/ashtray thing by the sink), and your eyedrops and go to bed with the cold discs on your eyes.
I vote for a day trip here too... you could contaminate me and then I wouldn't have to work! (How long does it take to get to the "freakish" looking stage?)
One day to look freakish! Very rapidly progressing.
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