Jan 31, 2010
A Fishy Confession
Jan 30, 2010
Who Knew This Was Therapy?
Jan 29, 2010
Another Day In Paradise

This is one of my favorite sayings of late. That and "go with the flow" seem to spew out of my lips at least 3 times a day. I think that's why I love Anne Taintor products...she understands everyday life and how necessary it is to look at the mundane through humorous eyes. Speaking of humerus...Today I am home with my son who injured his right arm last evening. Last month it was the left arm. This happens several time a year and there really isn't much you can do about it. The first three times it happened years ago I dutifully rushed for x-rays. They are always negative. All parents of children with Osteogeneisis Imperfecta rush for x-rays the first year. Eventually, we discover our children glowing in the dark when we sneak in for a midnight bed check and fluff of the quilts. That ends the rush to radiology. It always amazes me what precipitates an injury in a child with OI. I sat 2 days ago watching him play wildly with company. He probably fell 5 or 6 times. On foot. Off his bike. Off his razor scooter. Last night when i told him to put his bike in the garage for the night i hear "the scream." Every parent of a child with OI knows what "the scream" is. He was simply wheeling the bike through the door and heard a "snap." It's usually a "pop" so he is home from school and being closely observed which is a good thing as I just found him kneeling on the kitchen counter top after climbing up a dining room chair , "looking for peanuts" in the cabinets. His sibling yells at him, "Peanuts are not for breakfast!" Apparently this is the only thing wrong with this picture in her mind. So, besides surveillance I will make sure he ices, immobilizes and Motrinizes today. He's tough. I still have to smile when I'm reminded of his orthopedic surgeon sitting him down and patiently telling him, "A cracked femur is the same thing as a broken femur" when my son informed him, "It's only cracked." He'd been walking on it all day at art camp. You might ask, as I did, how you crack a femur at art camp? The answer: "origami." Who knew the art of Japanese paper folding could be so dangerous.
For more info on OI check out:
Jan 23, 2010
For Margie In Alabama
Jan 22, 2010
For Such a Time As This
U.S. Navy Photo
So many stories coming from Haiti. This one had to be shared from Troy and Tara Livesay, missionaries residing in Haiti.
"On Saturday (which feels like a lifetime ago) Troy and John went into Simone Pele to visit with the people of that area and assess their situation. We have ties to the community due to a monthy pre-natal outreach we’ve been doing there. It is considered a rougher area by most.
On that day Troy talked with a young woman named Collette in Simone Pele. She is 7 months pregnant and had suffered a broken pelvis during the earthquake. There was a giant yard area where many were gathered and injured. They had not received medical attention. He was standing next to where she was lying and talking to other people gathered around. She grabbed his hand and made eye contact and said, “Pa Bliye’m.” (Don’t forget me.)
Troy told her he would be back to get her on Monday. She had been unable to move for days at that point.
This morning John McHoul (head of Heartline Ministries) and John Ackerman (a nurse in Haiti) went back to Simone Pele to get our first load of patients.
When they got to the house Troy immediately looked for Collette. They had not picked her up. There were so many with crooked bones or with bleeding, infected and oozing wounds that her broken pelvis did not look serious enough to get her on the first truck.
In the afternoon the first round of patients (that did not have to stay on IV fluid) were returned to Simone Pele. Troy needed to bring more patients back to the Docs and nurses. He was not going to leave without Collette. The guy that was with him kept finding other patients and Troy kept reminding him that he needed to keep looking until they found her.
After backing the truck in to get very close to her so she could be moved with the least pain possible, Troy got out of the truck to hear Collette screaming “Merci Jezi, Merci Jezi” while waving her arms wildly.
Troy said it was all he could do to spit out the words, “M pa bliye ou” (I didn't forget you) without bursting into tears in front of all the tough guys standing around watching.
Tonight Collette rests under the care of volunteer Docs and Nurses at the Heartline Women’s Center house."
Collette was later taken by truck by the Livesay's to a beach where they heard the Navy had just landed. The Navy sent a helicopter to pick Collette up along with other wounded that the missionary couple had brought. Baby Esther was the first baby born on the Navy ship! Although premature Esther, in the photo above, is doing fine! For more on this missionary family go to:
Jan 21, 2010
All I Want Is A Nap...

Jan 20, 2010
Little Angel
Jan 19, 2010
Jan 18, 2010
Jan 17, 2010
A Fish (pepper) Story

Jan 16, 2010
No Gift Too Small
Jan 15, 2010
Rock On Melody and Tina!
Jan 14, 2010
Monkey Day at the Weigh n' Pay
Jan 13, 2010
"Nanpouin mouayin pou ede' ou..."

Jan 12, 2010
Night of the Frozen Cuban Anole