Thanks to all of the wonderful friends and followers who wrote asking if I was still alive. I am.
Not sure why but I've been in a blogging slump. It happens to everyone I guess.Took this week off from work since the kids were on Spring Break only to discover that The Boy is not on spring break until April 21st. This turned out to be girls week at our home.
I will be forced to take another week off in April. Someone twist my arm.
Income tax return arrived minus a large chunk since The Teenagers birth mother claimed her. No, she hasn't been legally involved since 1997 but that hasn't stopped her from defrauding us on numerous occasions. Social security fraud. Medicaid fraud. You get the picture.
Is she in jail? No but I can guarantee you if you or I did such a thing we'd get a life sentence. I confronted her after the second or third time. "I would NEVER do that! That's why my mama is in jail."
I called IRS when my e-file was rejected because "someone" had already claimed The Teenager. They stated they would pay both of us. In 2 months we will both get a letter in the mail telling us that one of us has been very naughty and we need to confess and pay back the moooola. And then in 4 months if no one confesses we'll get a letter asking us to prove who the legal mother is and then whoever isn't will have to pay back the money or suffer the consequences which include being banned from filing for 10 years. How many think the birth mother will still have any money left in four months? Can I see a show of hands? Anyone?
I hung up with IRS knowing why our country is in deep financial ruin.
Oh! I think I have the perfect solution, however! Let's just take money away from the poor, elderly and disabled and give the rest to crooks.
Never mind. That's already being done. Can anyone think of a better solution? I'm stumped.
I've been plotting for many moons regarding where my refund would go to.
I paid off my car. Had been doubling payments for 2 years at great sacrifice to get to this day. I'm happy this day arrived at long last.
We all got new underwear and socks.
The plumber came and fixed the garbage disposal which hasn't worked in 5 months.
The van got an oil change.
The Boy got new uniforms shirts.
We found West African Hair Braiders and spent 2 hours and 45 minutes getting a new do for The Teenager. It was a fabulous cultural experience complete with a 2 hour and 45 minutes marathon of the charming tv show, Cheaters and seven children who were on spring break and "working"with their moms. A darling little boy was riding his bike with training wheels through the small shop and crashing into the walls for one solid hour. I timed him. The week old baby pooped and graced us with an earthy aroma. For one hour. I timed the aroma. The odor of beans cooking made me homesick for Haiti along with the dialect that was heavy on the French.
Oh, ki jan mwen manke ou Ayiti. Oh, how I miss you Haiti.
The Teenager also got purple carpet. She wanted "big and bold" in her bedroom. She got big and bold in lime green and purple. We went yesterday during the tornadoes to chose brown carpet. And there it was...

"Honey would you rather have brown carpet or purple carpet in your room?" I asked coyly.
Purple won and was installed today. The carpet guys came down the stairs shaking their heads. "It's pretty bright up there."
No. It's "big , bold and beautiful." Just like The Teenager.
The Baby has been sick for weeks and missed one week of school. Made our second trip to the pediatricians yesterday only to discover her ears were bulging with fluid. Whatever bug she had she gave to me on Tuesday. Thanks for sharing, sweetie.
And speaking of bugs... The Boy has been up to his old tricks.

Three questions probably come to mind while viewing the above collage so I will answer them for you. 1.) Yes. That is a real bug. 2.) The torture device The Baby is strapped in to is called a "prone stander" and is used for non weight bearing children to be able to weight bear thus strengthening bones and keeping things in alignment. 3.) No, The baby was not afraid of the bug crawling on her chest. She picked it up and threw it at The Boy.
Don't mess with The Baby. The Baby has some serious attitude. Especially as she is weaning off of her Phenobarbital.

The Teenager has had an increase in seizures and is now on Lamictal at night and Zonegran during the day. It's not an exact science so we continue to grasp for the correct combination of anti-seizure medication.
Spring has sprung in our neighborhood.

That about sums it up.
So how have you all been?
Oh how me and my big girls have missed you.Really and truly.Would have emailed or written but have been seriously down and out in these parts and just now resurfacing.
Where to begin on all the updates.
Hair gorgeous,birth mother,not so much.
Carpet,amazing.Aren't you the best mom ever?
The collage,priceless and The baby's don't mess with me look,a girl after my own heart.
Glad you are all well.Try not to stay away so long again... these posts are the exact reason we all missed you.
It's so sad that a woman would do that to her own child, although apparently it was done to her as well. Shaking my head.
Braids and children are all beautiful
I am so glad that you're alive. More than glad -- thrilled to pieces.
I love the hair, the baby's looks, the blue sky and the yellow tree. I do NOT like the birth mother, the IRS, this country, etc. etc.
Thank you favorite ladies. I missed you all too. Am now catching up on YOUR blogs! (which I missed terribly!)
Oof! I've been wondering ...but hoped you were taking a breather rather than underwater. Sounds like some of both.
You're a better person than I am. I'd go to the botanica & buy a doll, name it 'Teenagers Mother', set on fire & put out in s bucket of slime.
Love the purple carpet and the "forced" time off in April! "fè lwanj Seyè a"!
The bug....ewwww...
Weee! Glad you're back!
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