This week was the first time in 11 1/2 years that The Boy was able to complete his Pamidronate infusion in two days and not three days. I know that may not seem like a milestone to you but to me it is heaven on earth.
After infusion we had a few minutes before The Baby got off of the school bus so we zipped in to a couple of antique stores because I've come up with another
"Are there toys here?" One of his favorite questions.
At one point he disappeared into an adjoining room and I heard him exclaim:
"Her again! I see that women everywhere I go!"
I was a little surprised when I saw the painting that he could not remember who Mona Lisa was as he has the most magnificent art teacher in the history of art teachers and has had more than one encounter with Mona. I took it upon my self to do a spontaneous exhortation regarding Mona and her smile and Leonardo's absolute genius.
To The Boy, who is an auditory learner, my speech sounded exactly like this:
blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah
On the way home as we're driving down the interstate he lets out a huge, happy yelp.
"Look on your right! On your right! On your right!"
"I mean your left! Your left! Your left!"
Wasn't Leonardo dyslexic as well?
I mustered as much enthusiasm as I could and commented positively on the vintage car he was so thrilled with on the left right left. I wondered out loud what it was?
"That's a 1957 Chevy Bel Air."
"How do you know that?" I inquired.
"I know my cars, " he replied.
Move over Mona.
My son blurts out names and makes of cars too. Since I am a single mom I have no idea how this could happen. Maybe it is built into their DNA. ???
That Boy of yours should meet Elizabeth's Oliver and my Joe ... the 3 of them ... oh, boy, what a time that would be.
Come to think of it, Elizabeth and I would have a total best as well. Could we arrange that. Sans the kids. Maybe at a spa perhaps?
I ditto Heather.
Funny telling. Love the bubble gum on Mona.
I don't blame the Boy, we all remember what we like.
I love everything about this post... and the boy :)
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