Remember this post regarding my attempt to obtain a one-armed drive for The Baby's wheelchair. The Baby who is paralyzed on one side after being left in a hallway at birth for dead? The Baby, who because of this paralysis, is wheeling around in circles?
I never even updated the above July post with the argument I had in August with the wheel chair company who still had not done anything about the process stating the therapist had never responded to their request by writing the justification letter, therefore, they could do no more for me.
You know the therapist who told me she had written the justification letter last winter?
The one who really didn't ever write the justification letter as I discovered in August?
The one who has been with The Baby for four years but quit recently to take a better paying job? The one who left on good terms? The one who would not return my phone calls or e-mails regarding the one-armed drive when I battled with the wheel chair company just 2 weeks after she left us in August?
I guess in some people's minds when they are done they are just danged done.
If it was just about me I would've brushed it off my shoulders like a bad case of dandruff but The Baby? Wheeling in circles?
Sometimes it is simply too painful to contemplate as you're dangling in one-armed drive limbo.
Yesterday morning as I was driving to work I prayed the way Jesus taught us to pray by beginning with the "hallowed be thy name" part. You know. The part we often forget. The part where we forget to praise and revere our creator for the things He has done in our lives and the things He does on a daily basis? The many blessing we partake in and forget to acknowledge?
So yesterday morning while whizzing down the interstate I made it a point to acknowledge out loud why our creator is worthy of veneration by naming the blessings I am the recipient of on a daily basis one by one.
Somehow I ended up on the subject of the one-armed drive turning it completely over to Him. All of my frustration. All of my anxiety. Asking Him to intervene as He saw fit.
Today the phone call arrived.
The one-armed drive has been approved.
It was actually approved on Monday of this week but for $5.00 less that the actual equipment would cost the wheel chair company to purchase. They refused.
Because as we all know wheel chair companies are not charities.
No profit? No deal!
Today Medicaid bit the bullet and agreed to the wheel chair company's terms.
Now we wait as the wheel chair company orders the one-armed drive.
And we are thankful!
Well, you know we understand the circle thing. And we understand the PT thing as well. ALL too well.I want the flipping one armed drive and her therapist doesn't think they "work" well and the wheelchair guy, says he hasn't seen them work well either. I would like to attempt it but why is it that I am meeting with resistance?
I need to pray to the Big Guy. Sunday. All day. Right before I see above mentioned PT and wheelchair guy in wheelchair clinic on Monday.
Sometimes, I can't believe I even attend something called "wheelchair clinic".Such has become my beautiful life.
We here in California by the way, are so thankful for this. For you all. For Baby.
I've got to get on the prayer/gratitude bandwagon pronto.
I'm scared.
It seems you are being sent in circles. We hear our political leaders speak of caring for the most vulnerable but all it seems to be is words. Sad and so wrong.
I have learned this week that the almighty dollar rules even death. What a world, what a world.
I am glad baby is going to be able to go wherever she wants now. ;-)
Smiling. I'm a strong believer in the power of prayer.
Indeed, miracles do happen!
So happy to read this! Go Baby Go!!
"We'll give thanks to You
With gratitude
For lessons learned in how to trust in You
That we are blessed beyond what we could ever dream
In abundance or in need"
...Nichole Nordeman
Is this the therapist we all knew and loved ?
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