Or will we dodge the bullet again?
It's been 6 years since Charley and Frances.
Why do I think we are due?
It's been 6 years since Charley and Frances.
Why do I think we are due?
And this can't be good...a resting hurricane?
I don't like the sounds of a resting hurricane.
Call me suspicious.
I don't like the sounds of a resting hurricane.
Call me suspicious.
I don't know where you got this spaghetti map... I am thinking a 3 year old was doodling on his/her parent's work.... hopefully you don't have enough subscribers to this blog to start mass panic in the streets of St Pete. Go find a reputable weather man... I recommend DENIS PHILLIPS.
Your pal,
Curly Tk
OMG! I have missed you so much! I about dampened my panties reading this one page, catching up! You REALLY need to put this in a book! Thanks my friend I needed this today! Bekah has been in ICU for 2 weeks, had to have her aorta and renal arteries replaced. Then she caught the Hflu 2 days post op had to spend a week on a vent, then got pancreatitis, then a central line infection, her ilius is just now resolving. I am exhausted and was in much need of a giggle. Your blog is both beautful and funnier than anything I have read lately. Love the tea cup!
Curly T: ha ha ha ha...quit lurking you perv!
Momgrys: I had no idea about Bekah...how terrible! what in the world?
Denis Phillips is SO NOT reputable. He's condescending with his stupid suspenders.
I don't trust a hurricane named Richard. It just sounds wrong.
Oh, I hope not, although predicting hurricanes is far more accurate than earthquakes...
Elizabeth: And you would think it would be the opposite wouldn't you. I mean don't you guys have an earthquake daily? :)
what's your 20, pepper? i have lots of peeps in fla. they dont seem to be too concerned. nice looking chiles btw. damn mine arent turning red fast enough. freezes are coming soon.
NOTHING about our fair city....hmmm... Denis is right again !!! hahahhahahaha
Denis is always right about the weather. Not so right about cards.
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