We used a good portion of the garage sale earnings to attend The Boy's yearly school carnival last evening. Rides were hideously over-priced and fabulous fun. The Genius accompanied us and we actually made a good team. She can't go on anything that bumps due to extensive, multiple jaw surgeries and I can't go on any thing that swirls and twirls unless I want to provoke the Meniere's attack from hell. Perfect.
So The Genius and The Teenager swirled and twirled...

While The Boy and I bumped...

Fortunately, The Boy did not meet many of the minimum height requirements for the scary rides as he wanted to go on ALL of them. For once, I wasn't the mean "party pooper." Blame it on the carnies and get over it dude. Not my problem.
It's a tough, painful mom-call on things like The Fun Slide that The Boy did meet the height requirement for. Having OI means you can break bones very easily. Having OI means you can break your femur by simply walking across the kitchen floor or falling over a 6 inch wave at the beach. Your humerus can be snapped in two by a blood pressure cuff. Yes, we've experienced all of the above.
The irony of OI, of course, is that you can also fall down an entire flight of stairs on Christmas morning, leap to your feet, yell, "Ta da! I meant to do that!" and break absolutely nothing.
The way-too-many-stories-high Fun Slide was so high I spent a good deal of the time photographing the wrong boy in the red shirt. As a matter of fact in doing some carnie research if this is the 90 foot 3 lane Fun Slide model that would make it about 9 stories high. I did manage to get one of The Boy sliding down on the left:
It's a tough, painful mom-call on things like The Fun Slide that The Boy did meet the height requirement for. Having OI means you can break bones very easily. Having OI means you can break your femur by simply walking across the kitchen floor or falling over a 6 inch wave at the beach. Your humerus can be snapped in two by a blood pressure cuff. Yes, we've experienced all of the above.
The irony of OI, of course, is that you can also fall down an entire flight of stairs on Christmas morning, leap to your feet, yell, "Ta da! I meant to do that!" and break absolutely nothing.
The way-too-many-stories-high Fun Slide was so high I spent a good deal of the time photographing the wrong boy in the red shirt. As a matter of fact in doing some carnie research if this is the 90 foot 3 lane Fun Slide model that would make it about 9 stories high. I did manage to get one of The Boy sliding down on the left:

The Genius, who wisely, has not had children of her own, asked me how I get through the day without Xanax. Simple. I do not have a prescription for Xanax.

I had a great time! Kira was the most entertaining ride partner I've ever had.
The kids look like they were having a great time! Next year we want to see a picture of the "baby" on a ride. lol
Looks like an absolute blast.Beautiful pictures and ....
from one fellow Meniers's suffer to another,I feel your pain.I can't even twirl my kids ... even one rotation,without being set off.Is it not the worst?Well,there is worse but seriously,on some days,it is just the pits!Like today,barometric pressure change and me, I am as loopy as ever.I have only met one other person that has been diagnosed with it and others,well, I just can't seem to explain it to them.They say,oh yeah,I am dizzy sometimes and I say,not so much like dizzy.I take HCTZ,how about you?
Zoey's mom: I have HCTZ but only take it during an incapacitating attacks or more severe attack with Antivert. I am "loopy" all the time and have to be very, very careful walking, moving my head, climbing on ladders, etc but have only had 3 totally incapacitating attacks since 93' where I couldn't walk. Also deaf in left ear. Have you experienced any hearing loss?
That last picture where he's signing "I Love You" is just too cute!
Hearing loss in my rt.ear.Some in my left so they think I might have bi-lateral but the hearing in lft. hasn't changed much in the last few years ... so I might just be old!I go to a renowned ear clinic here in Los Angeles ... The House Ear Clinic.They have me take HCTZ daily w/potassium supplements and a special vitamin.I am also loopy daily.Same things,like movement of my head fast etc,set me off.Weird things like stores with high security and super busy,like Target,are really bad for me as well.Frustrating disorder to say the least.Oh and the computer is another thing that can get my head spinning.I have had about 10 nasty attacks since diagnosed in 2001.Last one was May 2008.Knock on wood!
Zoey's Mom: Hey if we put our heads together we'd have normal hearing!
So funny... I was JUST talking to Nik about what an experience it is to go to a carnival/amusement park with the fam. I agree with Michelle, Kira is an awesome ride partner.. well... except for when there are moving sidewalks involved in exiting and entering the ride ;) I'm sad I didn't get to go down the 9 story slide with the boy!
Each rotation on the merry-go-round got better and better. The teenager would point to one specific lady in green who was waiting outside the barrier taking pictures. When the Teenager pointed, she also screamed at the top of her lungs, "WOOOOOOOOOOO! WOO! WOOOOOOOOO!" at the lady. By the fourth circle around, the lady was in tears, she was laughing so hard.
Love this! I hear ya on the irony of OI! Sonya has had a few of those crazy instances where nothing breaks but I was pretty sure she could have died doing said craziness. Looks like everyone had a wonderful time!!!
Oh geez, I just read your previous post too! What an adventure! I laughed so hard when i read your last line about them being lucky that there was not fried chicken involved!
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