Life goes on, however, and the good walks hand in hand with the bad. The Boy is the star of his class. Over our Tom Sawyer summer he has matured and the teacher has observed a huge change. He is her "rock" in the classroom.
The teenager has been seizure free for about 3 weeks.
We have been sewage free for 7 days.
There is a change in the air. I keep asking everyone, "do you notice it?" I get the same answer. No. This morning the warm breeze wasn't as warm and a faint hint of Fall is in the air. Or at least what we call Fall in the tropics. I remember an incredulous teen in the neighborhood astonished that I could "smell rain" hours before it actually fell. I realize, of course, growing up legally blind has left me with a bionic nose.
Yesterday I made it to the local library to look up gluten free diet books which The Baby has begun. We are a family who frequents libraries but life has been so hectic lately I don't think we've been all summer. Walking in to our small community library I had forgotten how much I missed the place. It was reminiscent of that Fall breeze. Subtle excitement and anticipation of good things to come. Unfortunately, a majority of our society doesn't sense the same "fall breeze" in their local libraries.
I found two gluten free cookbooks and grabbed The Great Gatsby. I figured it was time I read The Great Gatsby as I only have about another 30 more years left on this earth figuring in family genetics. And then i found an unexpected treasure: Born To Be Hurt The Untold Story Of Imitation Of Life. The Genius and The Artist know that my favorite movie of all time is the 1959 version of Imitation of Life. As a child it had a profound affect on me. As an adult it still does.
So I head off to the hospital today with The Great Gatsby under one arm my "untold story", under the other arm,The Baby on my hip and The Teenager at my side. It doesn't get much better than this.
I hope that The Baby gets some relief from the ENT, and he can figure out what is going on! Love that you guys are seizure free and sewage free - both are awesome. :)
My son has a weird ability to smell rain hours ahead too! He is always right when he says "It's going to rain today, I smell it!". :)
Doesn't get much better than you, either, running on fumes and counting blessings.
So glad the Teenager has been seizure-free! And the house is sewage-free!
And hoping Baby is soon cough-free.
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