Aug 26, 2010

Re: Can This Week Get Any Worse?

Yes, it can.

After dropping The Boy and The Baby off at school I got a distress call from Iris wanting to know if I was on my way home. I thought at first because The Baby's classroom was locked and the teacher was running very late that Iris was worried she wouldn't make it to her job on time. Boy, was I wrong.

"The toilet just exploded and the living room, dining room, hallway, kitchen and bedrooms are flooded."

It seems when they were blowing thousands of pounds of pressure through the pipes in the neighborhood there was a stoppage near my pipes so the thousands of pounds of pressure found an easier outlet. My toilet.

I believe sewer guys hard hat among the debris on my dining room table says it all.

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debe said...

there are companies that do this kind of clean up for a reason.. it is not easy for anyone to do and the companies KNOW what to do with your stuff...

Do you have home owners insurance?

This is sudden and accidental water and if you are waiting for the sewer company to do it, you may have a long wait...


Island Rider said...

Oh, nooooooooo!

Kathleen Scott said...

Any sentence with the words, "The toilet just exploded..." is like something from a horror flick.

This is definitely one for the memoirs.

I have a margarita recipe if you need medication.

Jennie said...

Blech... I am soooooooo sorry :(

Dani said...

((HUGS)) Girlfriend, I am so sorry!!!