Feb 10, 2011

B-12 Deficiency?

Certainly one has to blame this fatigue and the senior moments on something. Actually, I was informed not too long ago that I have a significant B-12 deficiency. I bought the sub-lingual B-12 pills and have to admit that I noticed a SIGNIFICANT improvement in my daily fatigue level. That is until I realized over the past two weeks that I've forgotten to take them. This week has been horrible. The Boy is getting his Pamidronate infusion at the hospital this week and today I slept next to him in the infusion chair the entire day.

Yes, I started taking my B-12 pills again.

Or did I?

Gotta go pop some B-12.

Too tired to post.


D said...

Isn't it amazing the difference it makes?? I get the shot and take an iron supplement. I can tell the difference.

gramma said...

Love the Pam Peterson video. How do I share it with my friends here in Canada?

Elizabeth said...

I've been giving B-12 to Sophie for years, and I've just started taking it myself. I love that the bottle says it's for stress and wonder if that dropper-ful is enough. I think I should be drinking buckets of the stuff, actually.

I hope The Boy is feeling all right.

Diane said...

I am buying some in the morning (if I remember)!

Dani said...

Sending good thoughts your way!

Anonymous said...

Love the song. My friend's husband ended up with nerve damage to his feet due to B12 deficiency. Mark it on your fridge to take them daily.

Kathleen Scott said...

Oof. Catch 22, the remembering and the taking. Glad there is a solution to your fatigue. Hope the Boy's infusion helps too.


gramma: Go here:

gramma said...

After some fumbling, trying to manage to email to friends and getting nowhere fast, I got myself a Youtube acct. Seemed like there wasn't any other way to do it. However, since then a friend of mine tells me that there is a another way. Whatever, have no problem now.