What about Engrish Sunday? Nothing says funny like the errors made in Japanese advertising written in
Because I've been contemplating joining Weight Watchers this week I was particularly attracted to the following Engrish food adds:
Of course I couldn't give this to The Baby because it contains gluten but it does sound oh so tempting

What's for dinner, Mommy? Why, fried horse crap with lime and a nice salad, kids. You can even put the leftovers in your Bento box tomorrow for school. This would go over well with The Boy who has to smell everything before he touches it.

And aren't fries everyone's dream? I know they're mine. That's why I'm contemplating joining Weight Watchers this week.

So what about it? Engrish Sunday? What topics would you like to see featured in the world of Japanese advertising next Sunday? How about fashion?

I love your blog! That's hilarious!
snorts and giggles all the way around over here!
PLEASE bring us more!!
I LOVED living in Japan. I've never laughed so hard as when coming across the beautiful engrish.
(and I'd go back to live in a nano-second if I could make the Husband find a job there.
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